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Sorry, I'm busy at the moment <a href=" http://www.last.fm/user/ykyomonetah ">Preteen Pedo Pics</a> Peeps get real.. This ain't Rape.. the door wasn't locked and she clearly did it for money.. he asked her did she wanna do it... and wtf? at the end she asked.. did I get the job.. quit bein pussies about it.. and quit tryin to make others feel bad.. She could've said no and walked away.. Rape is forced sex.. bein held against your will.. The fat man didnt do that.. I'm not taking up for him but clearly you guys are going overboard with this.. If you wanna bitch about Rape.. that clearly isn't, do it elsewhere plz.. Stop tryin to make others feel bad.. Once again I say if you look at the video he may say some degrading things.. but ppl do that in porn all the time.. but clearly he didn't force her into anything (He even told her to grab the condom outta the drawer!! wtf? people!) Last time I checked rapists didnt ask their victims to grabs condoms for them... He may be manipulative.. but not a rapist.. Hope I cleared this stupid debate up.. later peeps. | |
Peyton (New York) | 29 июня 2012 г. |